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Summer Greetings from Sinclair Cattle Company,


We hope this letter finds you doing well this summer and that you have good grass and fat calves.  The Sinclair environment has been much drier and harsher than normal, putting our herds to the test.  The calves are holding their flesh very well and are going to be heavy this fall.  This is a testament to the premier 80 year breeding program developed exclusively at the historic N Bar Ranch.  We will again have a standout set of bulls at auction next March.


We would like to take an opportunity to thank all of our customers for showing support by bidding and or buying a bull or female in this year’s production sale. The pandemic has definitely changed the climate.  We appreciate your continued trust.  


The Sinclair Program is On the Move!  It was a busy spring at Sinclair.  Every cow and replacement heifer in the inventory was plan mated and AI’d to 9 of the best Angus bulls in the breed.  We used an exciting array of cleanup bulls that were pulled just 45 days after turnout to increase fertility and tighten up the calving window.  These practices along with a rigorous culling program keep only the most reproductively sound females in the herd.  This means larger, more consistent sire groups that will be appreciated come sale day. The Sinclair team constantly strives to make the best better in our prestigious one of a kind cowherd.  We are very excited to see what next year’s calf crop holds.


A hand-picked group of elite cows in their teens were flushed this spring with many eggs already put in for next year.  The Sinclair program consistently has a large group of very sound and productive 12-14 year old cows. These cows are at the top of the pack by still producing top selling bulls.  We believe the resulting calves from these foundation cows will find a lot of friends in future Sinclair sales.


It is the Vision of Sinclair Cattle Company to produce the finest Emulation and Rito Angus cattle to be found in the breed.  We are carrying on the legacy of our pioneer Angus breeders that began the N Bar and Jorgensen herds by staying true to the course plotted years ago. The ultimate goal is to provide the most ideal Angus range cow available in the breed today.  Sinclair genetics display great phenotype, length of body, Angus breed character and are feet and udder improvers. They exhibit excellent longevity by producing well into their teens and are very maternally oriented and smart.  Sinclair cows also have enough performance and milk to wean off a big heavy calf in the fall and breed back on time each and every year. 


Sinclair is totally committed to you and the long term success of your program.  We look forward to working with you to achieve your cowherd’s genetic goals.  Give anyone of the Sinclair Team a call if we can help you obtain high quality, no-nonsense Angus genetics.


Steve Blankley II 240-625-5415

Lance Cline 785-564-1744

Mike Bazzle 540-421-7411

Logan Baker 307-254-1477

Greg Golden 301-730-6546

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